Friday, October 26, 2007

Czech Industry I

Could the Czech Republic really be the Mexico of the European Union? If so, why are we not pursuing this more from the West. The European Community is projected to be an economic power in the next decade or so. What are we as Americans doing to get in on the action? Parnering with German or Western European Countries? Why not the Czech Republic. Top areas to exchange technology and products are Medical Supplies and Instruments, Automotive, Office Furniture and Regional Tourism. Sounds a lot like Michigan already doesn't it? Want to get involved or involve us? Email me a comment at your earliest convenience.

True Freedom

Original Music Score. Czech Christian Techno Music Video. Watch the words in English. Note the irony and symbolism in the "fake" parades that everyone had to attend and smile at. True Spirituality is not a set of rules or a Creed but a relationship with Diety.

Czech Video Pen Pal Program

Here is a fun opportunity for Middle and High Schoolers to connect with kids their age from the Czech republic and start exchanging videos on the blog. Christian Youth in America, post your video profile and wait to see what responses you get from Czech students. Witness, share, visit, host.

Obviously, the connection can be made over the internet in real time, first in group settings and then smaller groups as we help you walk through the process of committing to a video "pen-pal".


Czech Missionary - Video Shot in 1991

Here is video shot in 1991, within about 1 year of the communist wall falling during the Velevet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, most prominently displayed in gathersings in Prague in 1990.